Monday, April 16, 2012

Trusting God

This weekend, my campus ministry traveled with 13 other ministries in the southeast to Lake Tugaloo State Park for a camping retreat. (more details to follow in the weekend update)
Saturday night we split up in small groups and had the chance to hear about what was going on it other peoples lives and the things they are learning in their walk with God.
It was so crazy and encouraging to hear stories about people working on trusting God or victories of such.

Personally, I have been studying out trusting God for the past like month or so. As humans, we tend to want to take our lives in our own hands. We have a general plan of our lives based on what we think will make us happy.
Over and over again, my plan has failed. God continually takes away things that I desire, and then a few weeks later I am humbled by realizing that it wasn't good for me and God has a much better plan in store for my life.

With graduation only being 25 days away, I am having to trust God majorly to lead me to my next step in life. At this point, I'm planning on staying in Athens for another year. Thats about as much as I know. Because I am such a planner, it's hard not knowing the details of what my life in the next year will look like. Thankfully, God is all-knowing and all-powerful and I don't need to know anything. I just need to trust him, live one day at a time and focus on glorifying him.

My friend Kelsey, showed me this story in the bible that was really encouraging:
Jeremiah 41:16-42:22
If you are struggling with trusting God in your life today, I recommend you go read that story! It's so cool to see how God is so clear about his plan.



  1. I hope you read Jeremiah and not Isaiah! That would have made no sense! haha. So glad it was able to impact you like it has impacted me (only if it was Jeremiah though). :)

  2. haha no just a typo on the blog. thanks!
