Thursday, January 26, 2012

iPhone love

I bought myself the upgrade of my iPhone from the 3G to the 4 over winter break (couldn't quite afford the 4s, which was fine with me since Siri kind of freaks me out)
And I got this really cute sparkly case from J.Crew for Christmas!

Sadly, it doesn't look as pretty as this anymore cause I always stuff my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and I think this was created more for women who put their phone in their purse, not rub it against the jean material.
So...I'm looking for a new case for my phone. Some ideas...
I could go practical with the bumper:
or cute with a Kate spade:

or trendy with a cool print:

or something really pretty:


I wouldn't actually buy this one but isn't it cute!


  1. well, duh i love the lilies-of-the-field swag. BUT the kate spade ones wouldn't get as [noticeably] dirty, and the contrast between the case and the camera-lens is less stark.

    consider getting this one?

  2. I agree with Emma on the field one. Plus the Kate Spade one isn't really my style...

    I also like:

    they have a 25% off promotion on fbook right now i think. or even just getting skin (like the one on my laptop) from that website then a clear case that would protect well. plus you can customize it and do one of your own pictures!

  3. Get the cupcake one! Why not? : ) Okay, I'd go with the Kate Spade, but it's probably super expensive. A simple bumper one will probably do the trick. And it's already a nice phone - you probably don't want to have too nice of a case since it will get scratched up anyway...


  4. haha nice suggestion emma! rachel, those are really pretty!
    Jenn, they are actually all about the same price
