Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hot Chocolate & Bonfires

This week brought a sudden cold front to what feels like the whole country.
I was not expecting it.
And last night, my evening meeting got canceled and I didn't know what to do with myself.
So I've enjoyed an evening in complete with time with God, journaling, taylor swift listening, tv catch-up and hot chocolate :)

Went to my first bonfire of the season monday night, for a friend's birthday.

But I'm getting ahead of myself...let me back up to an important conversation I had on Sunday night.

One of the most encouraging things to me is having conversations with people and realizing that they feel the same way. Without going into all the emotional details, I had a conversation with my friend, Kathryn, in which we both realized how much life has changed and how we need each other as friends, as humbling as it was to admit. But I am so grateful and monday night we got to cook together as we prepared for a group of 20 college students to come enjoy chili, ice cream sandwiches and celebrate Charlie! (Kathryn's boyfriend)

I am so grateful for my new found friendship and can't wait for the adventures to come.
God has definitely been working in my heart & life and molding my character. It has been a challenging transition but I feel like I'm finally seeing the light and happiness at the end of the tunnel!

So thanks to Kathryn for wanting to be my friend.
Thank you for being real and open with me.
Thank you for being considerate and not wanting to hide things.
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship/adventure!

Pictures from the birthday fun:
Kage went all pinterest on us!

the birthday boy and the party planner!

these were fun to make a delicious!

Charlie really enjoyed them!

owen entertaining all the college kids.


1 comment:

  1. Those cookies look scrumptious!!!! Now I'm going to go dig through my pantry for something sweet! Grr. Thanks Jordan :P
